For those who have ambitions enough to become an international level coach

Become a Transformational Coach and earn $4,000/month or more making people's lives better
Join the only certifying coaching program that transforms you before you transform your clients.
Задайте нам вопрос
The question you received a false answer to...
When did this question appear in your mind?

Maybe you have already guessed what we are talking about...

Can you become a good coach? Should you even choose coaching as your future career? What if you don't have a background in psychology? What if you haven't achieved much in your life? Will this affect your chances to build a successful career in this area?

Anyone who wants to sell you a training may tell you that the only thing you need is the tools you will be taught. You will be told that anyone can become a coach.
But it's not about experience or intelligence...
Only few people become world-class coaches. Only few make big money on it. And that's why…

As soon as you have a client in a coaching session you lead being smarter or more successful than you are, you will be fired by him before the session is over.
It`s not true
An example of a coaching result
Would you like to be a product of your product?
When you are an example of the result you promise to your client.

If you promise big income, can you brag about yours?

If you promise deep and loving relationship with your partner, can you show your life as an example?

Most coaches support a game where "the coach doesn't have to be a good athlete."
We are against this philosophy...
Because you have an option
The exponential coach makes one simple promise to his clients: "I will transform your personality."

To make such a promise to others, coach must first implement it to himself.
This is what we promise you if you decide to get certified in the Exponential Coaching Academy.
We don't just teach you the latest progressive transformation and coaching techniques. We promise we will transform you. Yes, you don't need a background in psychology or coaching experience. You need to be a live testimony of the result you promise your clients.
Without exception, certified exponential coaches call it "feel the exponent inside or become a product of your product."
It's not just studying
Here below is what our students say about their personal transformation in the program:
How do we do that?
5 skills that make it possible to change entire life trajectories
Exponential Coaching is built on 5 principles that coaches obtain in our certification program:
To see through. We teach coaches to determine how the client came to the current life asking no questions about the past. We do not believe in psychoanalysis, we do not believe that childhood traumas need to be stirred up.
Hear behind the words. We train coaches not to listen the content and life stories of clients, but to understand what is behind them. We believe that behind every word is a way of thinking that can be changed.
Go to the end. Our coaches train their clients to use emotions as fuel for achievement. The client begins to act with great confidence and courage at this stage.
Be a product of your product. As the coach once became an example of transformation, this way the client decides to choose a “new self”.
Achieve the impossible. The only reason why personality transformation is needed is that a new quality life was impossible for the old personality. The Exponent core sence is precisely to achieve the impossible and get a life on the verge of a miracle.
Theory or behavior?
We do not teach these skills at the theoretical level, because you will not be paid for theoretical knowledge, but for real application.

By the time of graduation, students often have more practice than many coaches do in 3-4 years of full-time work.
One time in two weeks you have a meeting with a personal coach
you have a meeting with supervisor
You have a training partner working with you
You get material for working out.
You practice new skills on your clients (we teach how to find them since the first lesson).
30% of our coaches recoup the cost of the program before they graduate.
Coaches building their own business after our program come out on average income $ 50,000 a year.
We hire our own certified coaches. The salary is starting on $4,000 per month (full time).
You can't start studying just by paying.
Every third interview ends up with admission to the program.
You will be surrounded by brilliant people inside of the program.
You will want to keep in touch with them throughout your life.
Therefore, we personally select those who will surround you.
The interview lasts 20 minutes and consists of simple questions about you and your aspirations.
Sign up for interview
Evidence based coaching instead of esotericism
Exponential Coaching Academy is located in Canada and is subject to Canadian law.
,Our programs and all tools are based on methodologies and theories that have been validated by Health Canada as evidence-based and effective.

Learn more about the legislation that governs our activities, click here for more details.
Exponenta certification program details
You study online
The certification course consists of 6 modules and lasts 32 weeks.
Every week from the very begining of the program you have practice and skill development in groups of 10 people.
Every week, a new fundamental material is studied.
Every two months you have a week-long workshop with Mikhail Saidov and his master coaches (15 days of workshops).
Assimilation of the material we check through tests.
You will take a certification exam to graduate and become a certified coach.
of live webinars — theory and techniques demonstration
hours of practice as coach and client
30 +
transformational techniques adapted for work online
1000 +
10 pages of author's text and slides
By Exponential Coaching Academy
The program contants
First module
Basic coaching skills. We show how to structure your sessions, how to sell your coaching, what documents to sign with clients, how to lead them from session to session for 3, 6 or more months.
Second, third and fourth modules
Вы будете осваивать и практиковать метод реактивной трансформации. Все наши сертифицированные коучи умеют работать на уровне мышления, эмоций и прямой модификации поведения. Вы научитесь видеть людей буквально насквозь, и это не преувеличение.

You will learn and practice the reactive transformation method. All our certified coaches are trained to work on the level of thinking, emotions and direct behavior modification. You literally will learn to see people through, and this is not an exaggeration.
Fifth module
An assertive communication model: you will learn how to speak the way your customers and people around you would do what you ask.
Sixth module
You will obtain skills to deal with 80% of all human problems and immerse yourself in our philosophy. For example, if a client has low self-esteem and a fear of public speaking, you will know exactly what to do step by step.
Our certified coaches in numbers
200+ Academy grads
150$ per hour — average payment for the session after the program completion
1000$ — minimum course price (4 sessions)
100+ — number of paid sessions during training
30% coaches who payed back the investment before they graduated
60% coaches who payed back 50% of the investment before they graduated
80% start their practice after 2 months of training
10% coaches did not pass certification for the first time
Exponential Coaching Academy team
  • Михаил Саидов
    Основатель Академии Экспоненциального Коучинга, Школы Жизни и бизнес-школы «На Арене»
  • Елена Долинская
    Экспоненциальный ментор-коуч, СЕО компании Михаила Саидова. Директор АЭК. Онлайн-предприниматель.
    1800+ часов сессий.
  • Лилия Глущенко
    Ментор-коуч в АЭК. 15 лет в медиа-бизнесе, CEO коммуникационного агентства. 2500+ часов сессий. Автор РБК, эксперт по денежному мышлению.
  • Ирина Павлова
    Ментор-коуч АЭК. Дипломат, журналист, маркетолог.
    2000 + часов сессий. Автор курсов по адекватной самооценке, ассертивной коммуникации..
  • Сабина Хачатурян
    Ментор-коуч в АЭК. Образование в нейрокоучинге (МИП) и программа PCC ICF. 2000+ часов сессий. 15-лет карьеры бренд-менеджера.
  • Наталья Гордеева-Рамирес
    Ментор-коуч в АЭК.
    Судья Федерации управленческой борьбы.
    6 лет коучинговой практики. 2800+ часов сессий.
    Ментор-коуч в АЭК. Сертифицирована у Брук Кастильо. 30 лет опыт педагога и сурдопедагога. 2000+ сессий.
  • Елена Князева
    Экспоненциальный коуч в АЭК.
    8 лет психиатрической практики, высшее образование по направлению «клиническая психология». 700+ часов сессий, 10 лет психологического консультирования.
  • Геннадий Хавкин
    Экспоненциальный коуч в АЭК. 250+ часов сессий. Автор онлайн-клуба для спортсменов, ведёт групповые программы для предпринимателей
Mikhail Saidov. The author of the program.
Mikhail Saidov
Founder of Exponential Coaching Academy and Exponential Coaching Federation

Formulated the Method of Reactive Transformation

Author of "The Efficiency Diary" and the book "Life-Changing Conversations"

The York University graduate (Toronto, Canada)
Over 50,000 students

Coach of coaches, million dollar business owners and academics
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